
【感想_0012】『Think and Grow Rich』/ Napoleon Hill

本のタイトル:Think and Grow Rich



Napoleon Hill
米国の自己啓発作家。新聞記者としてUS steelの創始者であるAndrew Carnegieにインタビューをしたことをきっかけに、「20年間無償で500人の成功者について研究し、成功哲学としてまとめてほしい」という依頼を受け、20年をかけてThink and Grow Richを完成させる。



  • Desire: You have to want it.
  • Faith: Believe that you can achieve your goal.
  • Auto-suggestion: Use affirmations to reach your goal.
  • Specialized knowledge: Gain experiences and continue learning.
  • Imagination: Come up with ideas and visualize your success.
  • Organized planning: Take action.
  • Persistence: Don't stop until you get what you want.
  • Power of the Master Mind: Surround yourself with the best.
  • The Subconscious Mind: Master positivity and dismiss negative emotions.
  • The Brain: Associate with other smart people and learn from them.
  • The Sixth Sense: Trust your gut.



1. Desire is the starting point of all achievement.

- Hill stresses that desire is not just a wish or a hope, it mut be burning desire.
- Burning desire is consuming obsession backed by definiteness and persistence.
- Allow yourself no retreat. (No choice. Win or perish.) ex. Columbus, others.

2. Hill outlines 6 steps to achieving your desire to be applied with the other 12 principle.

  • Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. No vague, must be clear.
  • Determine exactly what you will give in return for that money.
  • Establish a definite date that you want to be in possession of the money.
  • Create a definite plan for attaining your desire and begin immediately.
  • Take steps 1 to 4, and summarize them into clear and concise statement of the amount, deadline, and plan to achieve it.
  • Read the statement aloud twice a day when you wake up in the morning and once again before you sleep. When reading aloud, you must visualize yourself already in possession of that money.


3. Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches.


[Example of a written statement]
By the first pay of [September], I will have in my possession [$250,000], which will come to me various amounts during the interim.
In return for this money, I will give the most efficient service of which I am capable in my capacity, as [founder] of [The XYZ startup].
I believe that I will have this money in my possession.
My faith is so strong that I can now see this money before my eyes. I am awaiting a plan, and I will follow that plan, when it is received.

4. Strange force

- Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.
- Your thoughts are like a magnetic force that attracts similar thought patterns that are in harmony with your own thoughts. As a result, your thought \s start to take shape in the physical world.
- There are millions of people who believe themselves “doomed” to poverty and failure because of some strange force over which they believe they have no control. They are the creators of their own misfortunes because of this negative belief, which is picked up by their subconscious mind and translated into its physical equivalent.

5. Planting seeds

Thoughts which are mixed with any of the feelings of emotions, constitute a “magnetic” force which attracts, from vibrations of ether, other similar, or related thoughts. A thought thus “magnetized” with emotion may be compared to a seed which, germinates, grows, and multiples itself over and over again, until that which was originally one small seed, becomes countless millions of seeds of the same brand.
感情と混ざり合った「思考」は、似ているor関連する「思考」を引き寄せる(=目につくようになる or 吸収するようになる)。そして、それは種の様に、初めは1粒だったものが発芽し、成長し、実となり種を作り、増殖していく。

※つまり、↑考えることで、潜在意識に種の様にplantされて、自然とそれを繰り返すor magnetizeしていくことで「思考」が形成されていく。(=まるで種子が増えていくかの様に、最初は小さくても勝手に増える)
だから「what you think」や「what you consume」はyou need to be careful.

6. 5 steps to stimulate and guide the subconscious mind

1. Go to a quiet place, close your eyes, and repeat aloud the amount of money you intend to accumulate, the time limit for its accumulation, and a description of the service or product you intend to give in return.
2. Repeat this statement night and morning until you can see [in your imagination] the money you intend to accumulate.
3. Place a written copy of your statement where you can see it morning and night. Read it just before bed and again upon arising until it has been memorized.

Through repetition you voluntarily create thought habits that can influence the subconscious mind and transmute your desire into its monetary equivalent.

7. Infinite Intelligence

この概念は結構難しいけど、簡単に言えば、「知識の神」or「究極の知性の集合体」みたいなものは存在する。と言っている。その境地にまでたどり着くには、「Imagination」が必要。Imaginationには二種類あって、「synthetic imagination」と「creative imagination」。
Synthetic: Arranging concepts and ideas into new combinations. This type of imagination is primarily used to attain wealth.
Creative: Through use of hunches and inspiration to better read the subconscious mind of others. Great leaders become very good at this type of imagination.

8. Organizing Planning

Crystallization of desire into action.
Millions of people go through life in misery and poverty, because they lack a sound plan through which to accumulate a fortune.

※だからこの本を紹介したmillionaireは「The Alchemist」→「Think and Grow Rich」→「Atomic Habit」の順に読めといったのかが納得した。結局この本の考えを習慣化するためには、「Atomic Habit」の力が必要になってくるから。本著にもHabitの作り方は書いてるけど、少し具体性に欠ける。
ちなみに次の本はTony Robbinsの「MONEY Master the game」。これは、「どれくらいのお金が必要か改めて考えてみようぜ」的な本。つまり、最初に話したDesireを具現化するためには「MONEY Master the game」を読んで必要なamountのお金を詳細に把握しろってことなのだと理解。  

9. Master Mind

Master Mindとは、同じ目的や考えを共有した人たちの集合体。ナポレオンヒルはMaster Mindを作れと言っている。(Smaller is better. 最大12人ぐらい)

  • Unwavering courage
  • Self-control: if you can control yourself, how can you control others.
  • A keen sense of justice: you need to be fair
  • Definiteness of decision: no second guessing yourself
  • Definiteness of plans: plan your work and work your plan
  • Do more than paid for: do more than your followers would be willing to do
  • Pleasing personality: respect is linked to positive personality traits
  • Sympathy and understanding
  • Mastery of detail: get good at small details
  • Willingness to assume full responsibility: take ownership of your mistakes, and don’t shift the blame to others
  • Cooperation


10. Weak desires bring weak results just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of fire.


11. A Quitter never wins and a winner never quits.


12. 性欲は人間の中の最強のエナジー。成功者は性欲を上手にエナジーに変換している。だから本当の成功者は40代以降が多い。40代までは性欲をエネルギーに変換することが出来ず、性欲を野生のままに発散させようと行動しているから。成功者に性欲が強いやつが多いのもこれが理由。


  • この記事を書いた人


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